Do Violet Wands Have A “Barbeque” Setting? No…

Last week end when we were at Swamp, a very kind friend gave us the chance to try out a violet wand. It’s something that i really wanted to do! i love electrical play. We have an E-stim and a Tens. This though, was something different!! The crackling noise alone is enough to put the fear of god into any tied up, blindfolded subby! The pretty coloured light that comes off of it, will hypnotise her! The sensation is like being tattooed by a sadist!! Very imtense but worth every zap!

No sooner were we home than Sir had bought one on e-bay! It arrived Monday morning!! *g*. Tonight, we tried it out very briefly ( just on my arm ).


i love it!! The only problem is, it’s pretty intense and Sir is determined it’s going on my nipple rings and clit. :oS

i have images of me with smoke coming off each nipple and the smell of freshly fried bacon radiating from my clit!!


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